Building Together
the vision
VISION: Since Central began in 1900, our church family has gathered for worship and scattered on mission with a shared desire to follow Jesus together.
PROBLEM: But a few years ago as we began to evaluate our next steps, we identified a problem. Our church was growing dramatically, but our Connors Hill facility, which has served us well since 1973, was beginning to age and break down and it didn’t have space for growth. We had a heart to reach more people, but because we were land-locked, we had no way to expand our ministry footprint without leaving the neighbourhood.
PLAN: This was a challenging obstacle, but through years of praying and trying new things, God planted in our hearts an exciting and bold vision: Central as a growing family of congregations gathering in multiple locations with Connors Hill as the hub. Since that time, the Lord in his grace has grown us from one to three locations.
Building Together is our church’s shared commitment to a season of intentional investment into our three sites as tools for God’s Kingdom. As we invest in our facilities, we believe God is building us together as a community and enabling us to reach more people with the gospel.
INVITATION: We invite you to join in this effort as we respond to God and step out in faith together.

the plan
Connors Hill
Our commitment is to stay planted near Connors Hill so that we can continue to grow deeper as a congregation and to reach out with the gospel to our neighbours.
Building Together completely revitalizes and upgrades our existing Connors Hill facility for its own congregation, for community impact and to serve as a hub for our growing number of sites. These updates also prepare our facility for our long-term goal of the North Expansion.
Our aim is to fully establish our Southeast site as a lighthouse in a part of the city with few churches.
Building Together completely eliminates our Southeast site mortgage.
Sherwood Park
Our vision is to birth a new congregation near the centre of Sherwood Park in the existing church facility that was gifted to us by Centre Park Church.
Building Together fully renews and updates this facility to serve as a home for a vibrant congregation impacting Sherwood Park.
Building Together
The Building Together Team is committed to keeping the congregation informed with regular updates on Building Together progress. Check back regularly, and subscribe to Central’s email list to stay informed.


WayS to
We invite you to prayerfully consider partnering in this effort with a financial gift. Together we will see more people reached with the gospel as we follow Jesus together!
You may support Building Together through a one-time or recurring gift in a variety of ways, including cheque, pre-authorized debit, Interac e-transfer or credit card. To give now or learn more, please visit followingtogether.com/give and designate your gift to “Building Together”.
When you give to Building Together, your gift will support the full Building Together project. If you would prefer to have your gift go towards the work at a particular site, please designate your giving to that site specifically.